
When looking for medical assistance for a hernia, robotic hernia surgery is an option. Depending on the severity of the symptoms and the location of the hernia, your physician may recommend surgery or lifestyle changes.

What Is a Hernia?

A hernia is a medical term for a protrusion or bulge of tissue or an organ through a layer of surrounding tissue that typically keeps the organ or tissue in its proper place. In many patients, the bulge occurs when there is a weakness in the fascia or muscle. Weakened muscle or tissue areas are often found in the groin or stomach area.

Because of the weakened state, the pressure from the organ or tissue can form a hole where the organ pushes its way through the surrounding tissue. The end result is a lump in an unusual place that can cause serious complications and pain.

Types of Hernias

Hernias are common, with age and gender affecting the condition as there are different types of hernias. Symptoms and treatment vary according to these types.

  • Femoral Hernia: This is a groin hernia found in the femoral canal, which is located underneath the inguinal canal.
  • Inguinal Hernia: The most common condition is an inguinal hernia, with over 800,000 repair surgeries done each year in the United States. These hernias primarily affect those assigned male at birth and occur when a part of the bowel protrudes into the inguinal canal.
  • Umbilical Hernia: An umbilical hernia occurs when a portion of the intestines protrudes through a hole in the abdominal wall near the belly button.
  • Hiatal Hernia: A hiatal hernia occurs when the top of the stomach pushes its way through a widened opening in the diaphragm up into the chest.
  • Incisional Hernia: Hernia can be a side effect of surgery and occurs when tissues push through a weakened incision scar in the abdominal wall.
  • Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: This hernia is a birth defect where the diaphragm doesn’t close and allows the abdominal organs to move into the chest cavity.
  • Perineal Hernia: These hernias are rare but occur when tissues or organs move through a weakened area or opening in the pelvic floor.
  • Ventral Hernia: This refers to the location of any hernia along the vertical midline along the abdomen.

What Is Robotic Surgery for Hernia Repair?

A relatively new development in hernia repair, robotic hernia surgery relies on a laparoscope and camera to create 3-D images of the inside of the abdomen or area of the hernia. Small incisions are made to allow the instruments into the abdomen, but rather than physically manipulating the tools to conduct the repair, robotic repair allows a surgeon to conduct the procedure using a console to remotely guide the instruments.

Is Robotic Hernia Repair Better Than Other Options?

There are advantages to choosing robotic surgery over traditional laparoscopic or other treatment options. There is more visibility and precise movements with the surgery, as 3D images give the surgeon a clear look at the area undergoing repair. The movements of the robotic elements also make it easier to secure the mesh and tissue more effectively, especially in small spaces where the surgeon would have trouble manipulating the instruments.

How Long Does Robotic Hernia Surgery Take?

Many routine procedures only last around an hour to an hour and a half, though it depends on the complexity of the case. More difficult conditions could take two to four hours to complete. Your surgeon can give you an estimate of how long the procedure may last.

How Much Does Robotic Hernia Surgery Cost?

This surgery option is considered more expensive than other options, with the average cost being 25% higher than the alternatives. A patient’s insurance plan also factors into the out-of-pocket cost, making it harder to specify how much the procedure costs. Patients can expect to pay several thousand dollars for the surgery.

What Are the Risks and Benefits?

Major benefits of robotic surgery are a faster recovery time because of minimal trauma, smaller incision scars and the ability to return to normal activities more quickly. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are risks, including the learning curve of the surgeon and the potential for error.

In complex cases, the procedure takes longer, making it more expensive. This is why it’s important to work with a respected, experienced surgery group for your surgery.

Is Robotic Hernia Repair a Major Surgery?

This form of hernia repair is considered a minimally invasive procedure, similar to other laparoscopic procedures. The use of general anesthesia is common in both minor and major surgeries.

How Safe Is Robotic Hernia Surgery?

There are some risks associated with any surgery, but this procedure overall is both safe and effective in successfully treating hernias. Complications that could arise include damage to surrounding organs or tissues, bleeding or infection at the site of the incisions.

What Should You Expect From Recovery?

Since it is minimally invasive, many patients have the surgery as an outpatient and recover in the comfort of their homes. While soreness is possible for one to two days after surgery, patients are encouraged to move around soon after surgery to promote faster healing.

How Long Does It Take To Recover?

Individuals may have activity restrictions, such as exercising, lifting or strenuous movements, for two to four weeks after the surgery. A follow-up appointment with your physician will confirm when you can return to normal activity.

Can You Walk After Surgery?

It’s common for anesthesia to make you unsteady or dizzy after a procedure, but you should walk around as much as you are able once the medication wears off. This encourages blood flow to the surgery site and helps with healing.

How Much Pain  Should You Expect After Robotic Hernia Surgery?

Being minimally invasive, patients may experience minimal pain after robotic surgery, with some patients not needing prescription pain medication. Your personal health and the severity of the hernia affect post-surgery pain levels.

Learn More About Robotic Hernia Surgery

You can confidently schedule your hernia surgery at Arizona Premier Surgery. Our team delivers exceptional medical care and specializes in effective hernia repair techniques. Your comfort and satisfaction are the priority when we perform robotic hernia surgery. Contact us to find out more.





