What Surgical Options Address Pancreatic Cancer? Arizona Premier Surgery

What Surgical Options Address Pancreatic Cancer?

Jan 17, 2021

At Arizona Premier Surgery, our pancreas surgeons help patients with surgical treatment of chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic medical conditions, and pancreatic cancer. Your pancreas is responsible for converting the food you eat into fuel for your body. It also helps regulate blood sugar. When you suspect you have a pancreas problem, schedule a consultation at one of our offices in Chandler or Scottsdale, AZ. After a thorough medical exam and diagnostic testing, we can determine your pancreas diagnosis.

Pancreatic cancer symptoms

Some common pancreatic cancer symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain that goes into the back
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Yellowing of the skin (jaundice)
  • Light-colored stool
  • Dark urine
  • Itchy skin

When you’re experiencing some of these common signs of pancreatic cancer, it’s important to schedule an appointment at Arizona Premier Surgery quickly.

How common is pancreatic cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society, about 57,600 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer annually. Pancreatic cancer is a bit more common in men than women, and the five-year survival rate is 50%. This means that half the people diagnosed with the disease will die before five years. However, recently new multidisciplinary cancer treatments are making big improvements in the overall outlook of pancreatic cancer, and you can read more from an article we have for you HERE.

Types of surgeries that address pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer can be treated in many ways, depending on the location of cancer and the severity of the case. Our surgeons offer two different pancreatic cancer surgeries to address problems with the pancreas, including:

1. Pancreatectomy: This surgery removes a portion of or all of the pancreas.

2. Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Also known as the Whipple procedure, this specific pancreatic surgery our team uses to remove a tumor in the pancreas, duodenum, gallbladder, or the bile duct. During this procedure, some portions of the stomach, or lymph nodes, may be removed as a part of pancreatic cancer surgery.

**You can also view a study on the pros and cons of Neo-adjunvant versus adjuvant therapy HERE.

What is a Whipple procedure?

The Whipple procedure is designed to remove cancer from the head of the pancreas, which is where about 75% of pancreatic cancers form. After the initial cancerous areas are removed, the remaining part of the pancreas and other organs are connected to the small intestine. This restores the normal digestive flow. The skill and experience of our surgeons at Arizona Premier Surgery allow us to successfully conduct this surgery for our patients throughout Arizona. We also perform a minimally invasive Robotic Whipple procedure, which is similar to the conventional Whipple procedure, except it uses small incisions to remove the pancreas. A pancreatectomy using the Whipple procedure takes anywhere from two to six hours. Total recovery from the Whipple procedure is about six to eight weeks.

Find an experienced pancreas surgeon near you

When you’ve been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it’s important to find an experienced and skilled pancreas surgeon to perform your surgery. At Arizona Premier Surgery, we can discuss your surgery options with you to help you make the most informed decision. It may be possible for us to remove your cancer while still maintaining your normal digestive flow. To schedule a consultation at one of our locations in Chandler or Scottsdale, AZ, call our office today.

Here is a Video of Dr. Amini discussing surgery and treatment options with a patent

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